By MRP We must never forget William Tyndale (1494-1536), the man God used to translate the New Testament into English. We take it so for granted that we have a copy of the Scriptures in our [...]
By MRP Grace and knowledge are very much intertwined. John MacArthur rightly says, “Because of His grace, God forgives the sins of His children. They in turn feed on Scripture and commune with [...]
By MRP If you don’t know who Roy Clark is, you need to remedy that. Most famous for his part on the comedy show Hee Haw, he is a top-flight musician. Here are clips from the popular [...]
Updated 2018 printed Church Directories will be available in the foyer on Sunday, May 20th. You need to be a member of ARBC to receive a directory and we ask that you take one per family. Thank [...]
By MRP This is from way back in 1946. Red Skelton predicts what television advertisements will be like! Some good, clean fun for your Friday! …read more Source:: Gospelgripped [...]
By MRP In our office, I put up a ‘sandwich’ that I found online that I found helpful. I hope you’re encouraged that I didn’t pin an actual sandwich on the bulletin board. But [...]
By MRP Read Acts 16:6-10. At the end of Acts 15, Paul and Barnabas disagreed sharply over whether to take a young man named John Mark with them on their next journey. See, Mark left them before [...]
By MRP Oh, magnify the LORD with me,And let us exalt his name together! (Psalm 34:3, ESV). “Magnifying Christ is to make him bigger in our eyes, to know him better, and to show him more [...]