Part of being hopeful, joyful disciples of Jesus is expressing this through praising and worship that same Jesus.  Our calling and purpose is to worship God in Spirit and in truth and to lead others to Him through worship. In the process of doing this, you will meet many new friends and form lasting and meaningful relationships. As part of the Music Ministry you will also have many opportunities of service and ministry other than our Sunday morning worship experiences. And you will have the joy of leading worship, encouraging and influencing people in worship beyond the walls of this church. Please know that what we are about is WORSHIP, not performance.

Our calling and purpose is to worship God in Spirit and in truth and to lead others to Him through worship.


Worship Choir

The Worship Choir leads worship regularly on Sundays and sings in special concerts, worship services and events. Worship rehearsal happens on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium. Through the Worship Choir, opportunities for service include soloists and Worship Team singers.

Worship Team

The ARBC Worship Band plays a vital role in worship leadership at ARBC. We play in worship services, as well as special services and events throughout the year. Are you a drummer, bass player, guitarist or keyboardist? Come join our group of talented musicians who bring life, passion and excellence to our service as they use their talents to praise God.

Want to Know More?

Have a question about our worship ministry? Are you interested in joining the Worship Team? No matter the question, please feel free to contact our Worship Pastor by clicking the button below.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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