Throwback Thursday: Getting Ready for Sunday Before Sunday!
Recently, I put up a Facebook status saying, in essence, how helpful it would be for us to start getting ready for Sunday worship on Saturday evening—and cut down on the TV, Facebook, or other things that distract us from being alert and ready the next morning. I received a lot of interesting feedback.
Yet, it would be good for us to consider some practical ways to prepare ourselves for our times of corporate worship:
- Turn off the television on Saturday evenings! What is there on network television or cable that lifts up the mind to heavenly heights? I struggle with this, especially during football season because ABC usually has a great game on with kickoff at 8:00 p.m. EST. But I must.
- Turn off the computer. So much information, so many helpful (and unhelpful) websites, so many sites that help us network (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter ), means so many ways to distract. Psalm 119:15-16 is a helpful tonic.
- Lay out your clothes and church materials the night before. “What will I wear? What will the kids wear? How about this? No, this doesn’t fit anymore? …read more
Source:: Gospelgripped
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