The Primacy of Prayer in Preaching
The apostle Peter mentioned prayer first, and for good reason. Preaching is a supernatural act! We are not simply dumping information, we are praying for transformation through what God has said. A.J. Gordon noted:
Our generation is rapidly losing its grip upon the supernatural; and as a consequence, the pulpit is rapidly dropping to the level of the platform. And this decline is due, more than anything else, to ignoring the Holy Spirit as the supreme inspirer of preaching. We would rather see a great orator in the pulpit, forgetting that the least expounder of the Word, when filled with the Spirit, is greater than he. (1)
While some look at the power of preaching coming from a certain type of personality, a certain twist of a phrase, being a stand-up comic that intersperses Scripture in from time to time, or other human-driven motives and methods, preaching is a supernatural act that needs bathing in prayer. D.L. Moody got it right:
I’d rather be able to pray than be a great preacher; Jesus never taught his disciples how to preach, but he did teach them how to pray.
How? Although each of these deserves a longer treatment, let’s quickly look at these …read more
Source:: Gospelgripped